Monday, December 27, 2010

A White (Day After) Christmas


Wow, what an amazing weekend I had! I got to spend so much time with my and Brian's family, gave and received so many absolutely perfect gifts (more on that later this week), and ate so much food! I think I've been on a constant sugar high for the past three days. Yesterday it started snowing really hard in the afternoon and stormed pretty well into the night. The electricity even went out for a bit so I lit the house up with candles and we played games by candle light. We were actually kinda bummed when the lights came back on so we shut them all off and pretended that the blackout lasted longer than it actually did. Everything is so much more romantic in the flicker of candle flames. We woke up this morning with with a couple of feet of snow on the ground and much shoveling and digging out cars to attend to. I just love the snow. As much as I hate being cold, the snow really makes New England winters worth it. I think we might even go sledding this afternoon!


Brian's new lego set helping me eat my feta omelette this morning!

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